The Enabling Team is responsible for ensuring that
EMBC is compliant with all the regulatory requirements of a number of agencies including HMRC and OSCR.
These include having up to date policies to comply with;
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR),
Health and Safety Regulations (HSE) and Social Media.
The team maintains and develops
EMBC’s policy for the
Protection of Vulnerable Groups including the training all staff and volunteers on the application of the policy. They deal with requests for membership of the PVG scheme through Disclosure Scotland to ensuring that all relevant workers are disclosed to work with vulnerable persons.
In doing so
EMBC strives to provide a safe environment for all those who attend either the Church, a Church group or an organisation. They liaise with the External Examiner and the
Office of Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) to ensure that the Church meets its obligations as a Registered Charity.
Lenny Warren, 19/05/2019